Labels:grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sand | sky | tree | water OCR: abcde fghi iklmnopar stuvw xyz ABCDE FGHIUKL. MNOPORSTUVW XY7 01234567 89 2$i &* ..StE +.:? The quick hrowk fox jum z over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jum 2 S over the lazy dog. 24 The quick brown fox jum sd over the lazy dog. 3 The quick browm fox jum pS the lazy dog. 4 The quick brown fox jum pS over the lazy dog. 60 The quick brown fox Jum PS over the laz dog. The quick browm fox um PS er the laz abede jklmno ABCDEF FCHIJKI MNOPOR browi jume Lazu